Qargaye Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by the Party of Regional Geological Survey, Xinjiang Bureau of Geology in 1972 and published by the Compiling Group of Regional Stratigraphical Scale, the Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu in 1981. The type section is located at Qardoye River, at southern slope of Mayla Mt. in southeastern Toli County, Xinjiang. The reference section is at southwest of Tanbale in western Junggar.
Synonym: (恰尔尕也组); Qiaergaye Fm, Qiargaya Fm
Lithology and Thickness
It consists of gray blue to dark purplish red thin-to-medium-bedded tuffaceous siltstone intercalated with tuff, tuffaceous breccia, siliceous rock, sandstone, and limestone interbeds and lenses. Conglomerate often occurs at its base. The formation ranges from 999-1300 m in thickness.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It rests disconformable on the underlying Koksayi Fm (Keksayi Fm) of the Middle Ordovician.
Upper contact
Its contact relation with the overlying Mayilashan Gr remains yet unclear.
Regional extent
The formation ranges is exposed in the areas located south of Toli County in western Junggar and north of Ebinur Lake.
The formation yields graptolites Oktavites spiralis, Monograptus priodon, M. elongconcarus, Retiolites geinitizianus var. angustidens, R. stomatiferus; trilobite Encrinurus; anthozoa Disphyllum, Pseudocystiphyllum, Mesofavosites, Palaeofavosites, Placocoenites; brachiopod Pentamerus, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information